Tuesday, 5 November 2013


I don't know what to say. I've been reading up on these "Fear" things, and they seem like an interesting concept, but them being real? I'm a grown man, I don't believe in monsters under the bed and I know the only things that go bump in the night are old pipes.


Then there's Shady. I can hear his voice in my head which is really really really disconcerting.

Sorry, but it's easier than having to send messages into the computer. There may come a time when you won't have access to the computer, so it's better for both of us if you get used it now.

That's true. And now I'm replying to you. I'm not even sure you're real! If it was just a voice I'd presume I was insane, or I got a serious concussion, or some sort of split-personality disorder, or something other than that it's he's an actual person who had their consciousness transferred into me after they he were was killed by a robotic thing.

Stop correcting me! And quit changing how you write stuff!


As I was saying, I'd presume something was very wrong with me if it was just the voice. But it's writing things in my posts, and I'm watching them appear. It's making posts on my blog, and people are making posts in response to them. People who have their own blogs mentioning these Fears. There's no way a hallucination can be that extensive, or that intricate. If I was hallucinating the posts, I'd also be hallucinating the comments, and the links to their blogs, and hence I'd be hallucinating the entirety of their blogs! And all subsequent link to all other blogs and those blogs!

There's always a chance I have a split personality that's writing these things, and just not noticing the time lapses. And that the commentors are people who are presuming I'm part of their blogger-dom of fictitious stories about similarly fictitious beings. But that would require prior knowledge of the Fears. I don't remember reading about them beforehand. Perhaps I've forgotten it and filed it away into my subconscious to later be the centre of my delusions. But to formulate Shady I'd have had read The Long Game. I should have been able to remember that. At least some sense of recognition.

There are just too many possibilities. The mind is too complicated. The universe is too complicated. Anything could be true at this point!

 Oh, stop being so paranoid!

And I told you to stop changing how you write stuff!

--Shut up.--

1 comment:

  1. Trust me Nicholas, there are much worse things you can have stuck in your head.
