Standing in the hallway of a building I don't know. A long knife in my hand. Deep music plays in the distance, an organ. The walls ripple and pulse, like a beast, breathing. Men in cloaks approach from all sides. The caw of birds can be heard over the music. I drive the knife between my ribs. The music plays louder as blood stains my shirt. Blood drips from the walls, blinding me, drowning me.
I wake up.
I'm on a hill, my head laying on the grass. Looking up at the stars. They begin to move and swirl, as if being pushed by the wind. The wind blows them into a torrent and then they flow away, leaving the sky an endless black. The wind whips up the grass I'm laying on, ripping out each blade and sending them scattered into the dark. The soil whips away too, the rock and the earth, leaving only me in an abyss. "End."
I wake up.
Walking through a house of many colours. Men and woman wander around aimlessly, their skin every colour of the rainbow, their smiles wider than their faces. Everything stops and they turn to look at me. They draw near me, crowding me and clawing at my flesh. Their jaws open wide and each one eats me whole. How, I don't know.
I wake up.
These are my dreams. Pretty disturbing, huh? They're different every night, these ones stuck with me. I just happen to remember these. I don't know the symbolism behind all this or how credible dream symbolism is as a theory. Dreams generally just seem pretty random to me.
I didn't have any dreams last night, the ones here are just some of the ones I remember from before, the reasons I set up this blog. What will tonight bring?
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