Sunday 29 September 2013

Begun a Blog

This is what I have done. If you're here, you likely know that.

This blog is my general blog for all my bloggily things, but officially I have started it to record my dreams. I've been having some weird and some-would-say ominous dreams lately and I'd like to keep track of them and share them with you all. I've got a journal by my bed, to write down what I remember right after I wake up to avoid the imminent and inevitable loss of the memories. I can then transcribe them here.

I'll tell you about all my dreams some other time. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, maybe next week, maybe not. I've been known to procrastinate.

But, forgive me, I have neglected to introduce myself. I am Nicholas Green, it is my birthday today, I'm 23, currently unemployed (what with the state of today's economy) and living in an apartment which I can ill-afford. If all goes according to plan I'll be having a birthday celebration in a couple of days.

But never mind that. Until next we meet, whensoever that may be, I bid you adieu.

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